Christmas vote when Turris OS 6.0 will be in HBK

This vote is just for easter fun and winner(s) obtain real good chocolate (personal handover during next Night with Turris event or similar further public Turris meeting in Prague).

  • Before Christmas (< 24. 12. 2021)
  • Christmas day (24. 12. 2021)
  • Days between Christmas and New Year’s (25. 12. - 30. 12. 2021)
  • New Year’s Eve (31. 12. 2021)
  • The first day of the new year (1. 1. 2022)
  • Later (> 1. 1. 2022)

0 voters

This topic is not intended to ridicule anyone or disparage someone’s work. If will be created section “Humor ”, please for moving this topic into them.

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Spoiler alert: Turris OS 6.0 will not come to the stable branch this year.

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HBK is stable branch?

Well… It seems you wants another spoiler. So here it is - not even there. :wink:

The truth will come out.

… and what about my chocolate from last year’s vote?

There is almost nothing left :slight_smile:

When was last night with Turris or similar?

You probably don’t consider it similar, but there was lots of Turris stuff on


I know about the conference and attend or watch it online, but I would like to hand over chocolates at the Turris event. The previous ones including pub were nice! I understand that now is the difficult time, but my promise lasts.

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Poll is closed. Now we are waiting for the winner(s)!

And the winner is?
I hope, @viktor is preparing 18 chocolates


There are many more winners @nones! You must also count the previous polls.

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Sometimes winning is not all that it is made up to. I would have loved being wrong here.

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I fully understand. Me too!

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