Can't get guestnotwork with vlan running

I hope you can help me.
the short ist this:

opnwrt → Omnia with guest Network on V-Lan2 → another Accespoint with guest Network on V-LAN 2

Everithing works without the guest network at the accespoint after the Omnia. The accespoint itself get to the Internet and in my main network dhcp works but i can’t get an dhcp Adress in the guest. Vlan2 is also configured at the Turris port and the guest network port on the accespoint and when i connect the accespoint to the opnwrt firewall it works all but i want to have it after the turris omnia.

the firewall is in the lan network of the turris if that is an necissery info and the dhcp server of the turris omnia is deaktivatet just like the firewall.
p.s.: i have installed the latest updates on every device.

thanks for your help.

If I understand correctly, there are three devices and the Omnia routes between lan and guest:

firewall --- [lan] omnia [guest] --- ap

Did you configure a DHCP server for VLAN 2 on the Omnia?

you are right with my network configuration.
Sorry for missing this detail. I have configured the DHCP server on my firewall an deaktivated every dhcp usage on the omnia even the DHCP server to be sure it doasn’t use it. the DHCP handling even works in 3 scenarios:

  • normal network over omnia in LAN an W-Lan
  • guest network on Omnia
  • normal W-Lan connection of the accepoint

My DHCP Adresses on Guestnetwork and the mein Local network are in different spaces so i know, that this shouldn’t be an misconfiguration on the DHCP side.
thanks for your help.

Let’s have a look at your Omnia’s VLAN configuration. Could you post a screenshot of the GUI which shows the relevant configuration?

I don’t think this can work. IIUC, the main router runs dhcp server on a non-tagged network (VLAN ID 0) and you expect the Omnia to pass this server to another network on VLAN ID 2. This won’t work because DHCP only works on a single L2 segment, while your setup has two L2 segments connected via the Omnia by routing. In other words, dhcp messages pass switching, but not routing.

I think there is something like dhcp relay that could help with this, but I’ve never used it.

sorry i have the system set on german. And couldn’t find the language setting in luci.
Do you need anithing else?
eth2 is part of the LAN and nothing is connected to the wan.

sorry their is an mysanderstanding. I have 2 different DHCP server on my firewall. One with V-LAN 0 and an different with V-LAN 2, the DCHP Server on this V-LAN 2 hase a completele different IP range.

Language switching in Luci

thanks so now the Screenshot in english

Thanks! Did you configure the VLANs anywhere (tagged vs. untagged) for lan0.2 and eth2.2?

The approach you’re taking might be possible (VLAN defined per port, bridge to combine the sub-interfaces), I usually do it the other way around (and this is also what the OpenWrt DSA Mini-Tutorial suggests):

  1. Create a bridge, let’s call it br-lan where you include at least lan0 and eth2.
  2. Configure VLANs for it (VLAN Filtering tab) where you can configure per ports whether to send frames tagged or not.
  3. Then use sub-interfaces of the bridge (e.g., br-lan.2) instead as the device for the interface configuration.

I hope this helps!