Can't Buy the router in China! Please sell Turris Omnia in Amazon

Sell it in alibaba or amazon please!

Since the router is open hardware maybe you can find it by other manufacturers, in alibaba is already someone who sells it:

But don’t think the quality of the components will be the same

I am really interested in the board, which is sold on Alibaba. I you buy it, please write here a note about it. Or maybe a review?

Not quite on topic, but already a problem:

To be honest this is kind of cool. I was worrying that indeed my Omnia will not go on for eternity, so what if it broke after lets say 5-7 years or so. Then i need to buy another one. Well in this case, just replace the board and put Openwrt Image on it i guess.

Agree that this should be listed on Amazon, but if you want I can send it to you from Czech (will buy from Alza), but don’t know how much shipping will cost, so you willl have 2 yrs warranty, but if there’s goes anything wrong you will bear the shipping price for return and back :confused:

In 5-7 years the hardware will be ways faster and maybe even better than the Omnia.

Something can be way faster and better then Omnia, at least you have set your ground to not go back a step then hardware comparable to the Omnia. So many years we already have those Linksys wrt routers, but way to weak for my taste. Then you have some a bit more expensive stuff. Then you have a Raspberry Pi, but lack of many hardware functionality. So Omnia has set its ground or a new milestone.

I want to know why not sell the router on amazon.

I try to register on Alza, but failed many times.

Just make turris omnia popular all over the world, not only in your country.

Apparently the Turris Omnia is based on the same platform as SolidRun ClearFog Pro . Maybe you can get one of those and run the turris omnia software?

Just see this amazing news on Twitter (@turris_cz).
Turris Omnia is available on Amazon!