Adblock failed to download


I have enable adblock, i follow this documentation :

But i have an error, the list failed to download
download of ‘yoyo’ failed

Thank you for your answer.

What vers. is your TOS ?
What way for download you set in AdBlock setup, wget, curl at cetera ?

My version of Turris 5.1.10
I used wget and kresd for the DNS.

Please post the output of /etc/init.d/adblock status. Does a reload fix this download error? Does this error appear only on boot or is it permanent?

@didbot - In TOS 5, this command does not work. (edit: HBS)

@ffaabb - In version TOS 5, AdBlock is installed in reforis/package-management/packages. Its version is 4.0.7-5. Download settings are curl.


At least in hbl branch seems to be the current 19.07-release of adblock, where this command works quite well:

~# /etc/init.d/adblock status
::: adblock runtime information
  + adblock_status  : disabled
  + adblock_version : 4.0.7
  + blocked_domains : 0
  + active_sources  : adaway adguard disconnect yoyo 
  + dns_backend     : kresd, /etc/kresd
  + run_utils       : -
  + run_ifaces      : trigger: -, report: br-lan
  + run_directories : base: /tmp, backup: /tmp, report: /tmp, jail: /tmp
  + run_flags       : backup: 1, reset: 0, flush: 0, force: 0, search: 0, report: 1, mail: 0, jail: 0
  + last_run        : -
  + system          : CZ.NIC Turris Mox Board, TurrisOS 5.3.0 cc0b70467d0f67ea6481100631119ae77b76c9eb

Anyway to get the status with this older version use /etc/init.d/adblock status_service.

Thanks !
I have modify the download settings and it’s works !

@dibdot For me only the command /etc/init.d/adblock status_service run