does anybody have any experience with IEEE 802.15.4 radio modules for Turris Omnia? I want to do some experiments with linux-wpan, 6lowpan, …
I have found a list of supported 802.15.4 hardware on the linux-wpan website and the GitHub wiki. Most of the transceivers use the SPI interface, which is supported by Omnia AFAIK. But which one to choose?
I’m also asking for any kind of advice related to Omnia extension/802.15.4/6lowpan because I’m a SW guy and don’t have much experience with HW (but want to start with this little project).
OK, I guess there is not much interest in 802.15.4. I have found a simple board with AT86RF233, which uses the mainline at86rf230 driver. The header pins are matched to the Raspberry Pi pinout, but this should not be a problem with few jumper wires. Side question: would anybody from CZ be interested in this module so we can split the shipping fee?
What I need is an advice about the device tree. The default one has spidev. The author of the module provides device tree for RPi (here and here) and I’ll have to modify it for the TO pinout. I have no idea how.
That post is about interaction over GPIO from user space. The at86rf230 driver is part of the kernel, I need to tell the kernel which ports are connected to which ports.