3.11.6 nightly broken simple interface & updates URL?

I’m currently on the nightly and sat on 3.11.6 a few days ago I allowed an update and since then my ‘simple interface’ is broken with " AttributeError(“‘ForisState’ object has no attribute ‘password_set’”,)" and I am getting the following automated email alert:

unreachable: https://repo.turris.cz/omnia-nightly/lists/base.lua: Failed to connect to repo.turris.cz port 443: Connection refused

The URL https://repo.turris.cz/omnia-nightly/lists/base.lua works in chrome on a PC on the same network and I can wget the URL from the terminal on my router, so suspect there is an issue somewhere in the last nightly update I got.

Any clues where to look or how to fix most welcome!



Thank you for reporting to us. The first mention error about Foris is the same one, which got into Turris OS 4.0 beta8 version. It is not fixed in the nightly branch, yet. In one of the upcoming builds, it will be fixed.

About the second mention issue. Before midnight, our sysadmin was doing maintenance stuff. Some short-time outages could be there and it could be related to which you mention. In the evening of Monday, there was electricity outage in one data center, which affected some of our services for one hour.

As I wrote here: Turris OS 3.11.6 is being released into RC phrase.

The error was reported by email on “13 August 2019 at 22:01 (Delivered after 7 seconds)” That’s Tuesday, UK time - I’ll have a look through the logs for more exact error time.

If it’s just a maintenance outage then I’ll just wait for the next nightly release - my primary worry was if it were linked to the nightly update that broke Forris as that might be a bigger job as I now have to run everything off SSD.


May I ask you if the Foris now works for you in the daily development branch and also if you got the notification again?

sorry missed this as I was out of the country.

Yes, now resolved.