Yes, I am leaving

To support @justsomeguy’s voice: I’m a proud owner of a Turris Omnia and really appreciate your work!
There are some hardware-topics I’d like to see (for a Turris Omnia v.2 perhaps) like usable SFTP±port for home network usage and fully functional WAVE2-Wifi-card, miniPCIe 2.0, SoC capable of fully utilising named hardware, but for software-part I am completely happy.
Thank you.

And for the critics: if you need more manpower let community devs help you - therefore you do need to have an actively maintained gitlabs/github instance… Those guys will not leave you like common FTEs :wink:


If you lack the manpower to keep the project in a brisker pace, then it is just another argument for merging your forces with LEDE/OpenWRT. If upstream takes care of the base and it fully supports all parts of the router, then you will have more time to focus on additional things which make Turris OS unique (Forris etc.).

We never said that we are not working with Lede/OpenWRT community. We are hosting OpenWRT summit just tomorrow. We are also presenting some of our problems and proposing solutions in one of our presentations there. Also we were attending in previous years.


Thank you for all the days and adventures with you! This is my last post as a member of the Turris team.

Good luck to all of you, users and team. Take care! :slight_smile:


Ah, that looks like an interesting talk, but unfortunately I missed the live stream of that (did not know about the talk, and had to work anyway); do you know whether the talks will end up accessible somewhere on the web?

Best Regards

It is available:

and so on


Excellent, Thank you very much! I failed to find a link on the conference home page (I probably looked too cursory) and hence assumed there would be no public video, yet.

Best Regards