Why is the Software Free Space only 8% ? (Luci)

Please run this:
btrfs fi du -s /mnt

root@turris:/srv# btrfs fi du -s /mnt

 Total   Exclusive  Set shared  Filename

6.37GiB 4.00KiB 6.37GiB /mnt

Yep, definitely seems like it’s actually showing the proper size now.

Try running this, just in case, but I also seriously suspect it’s /mnt/srv:
btrfs fi du -s /mnt/*

Since you’re mounting that as a separate device/partition in root I would say it’s completely safe to remove /mnt/srv.

root@turris:/# btrfs fi du -s /mnt/*

Total   Exclusive  Set shared  Filename

1.35MiB 0.00B 1.35MiB /mnt/bin
2.72MiB 0.00B 2.72MiB /mnt/boot
12.00KiB 0.00B 12.00KiB /mnt/cp-turris-rhythmbox.sh
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/dev
2.04MiB 4.00KiB 2.04MiB /mnt/etc
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/init
10.55MiB 0.00B 10.55MiB /mnt/lib
6.00GiB 0.00B 6.00GiB /mnt/mnt
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/proc
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/rom
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/root
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/run
3.89MiB 0.00B 3.89MiB /mnt/sbin
34.98MiB 0.00B 34.98MiB /mnt/srv
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/sys
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/tmp
329.03MiB 0.00B 329.03MiB /mnt/usr
0.00B 0.00B 0.00B /mnt/var
204.00KiB 0.00B 204.00KiB /mnt/www

Got it ! Thank you very much.

Deleted the 2 directorys and the schnapps file.

root@turris:/mnt# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p1 7.3G 585.4M 6.8G 8% /
tmpfs 1010.8M 4.3M 1006.4M 0% /tmp
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/sda 931.5G 17.3G 913.2G 2% /srv

And delete the files under /mnt/TO-Backup.
I thing this done it.

Thank you all.
I have learnt a much about the Btrfs Filesystem for the first time. :grinning:
I bought this Turris Omnia for fun and learning, therefore it is behind a Friztbox Router.
So I have time to learn, without danger.
By now, I use it as a switch, Wifi accesspoint and a server (samba, nextcloud ).
I have installed an Ubuntu under LXC, but have no time to learn about LXC.
Mayby later I move my samba server and my nextclout, etc to it.
NFS would nice too.

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