Where is SSH Honeypot on Omnia?

There is Czech howto here: https://www.turris.cz/doc/cs/howto/ssh_honeypot

In short:

  1. Enable Data collection and wait until it’s enabled.
  2. Install SSH honeypot in Foris (it’s in Updater selection, not in Data collection as Telnet emulation is), it will listen on port 58732 by default
  3. If you want SSH accessible from outside, change port on which real SSH is listening (either in /etc/config/sshd or by using port forwarding)
  4. Add port forwarding from port 22 to 58732 (Network / Firewall / Port Forwards in LuCI):
    • Protocol TCP
    • External zone WAN
    • External port 22
    • Internal zone empty
    • Internal IP address empty
    • Internal port 58732

SSH from internal network is not affected by port forwarding, so as long as you want it only from there, there is no need to change SSH setup, it’s needed only to be accessible from outside.