What packages to uninstall to have minimal Turris OS

I leave discussion on the sense behind the need to tell updater what packages not to reinstall on each update run to the other threads like Removed packages reinstall themselves

Yet I want to share what I currently use in /etc/config/auto.lua and /etc/config/user.lua – please do not just copy and paste. You may need czech translations or don´t need german ones.

root@[…]/etc/updater# cat auto.lua 
-- A file with auto-generated Install commands. Do not edit.
Install "luci-i18n-base-de"
Install "git"
Install "bash"
Install "zsh"
Install "screen"
Install "htop"
Install "luci-i18n-ahcp-de"
Install "luci-i18n-commands-de"
Install "luci-i18n-ddns-de"
Install "luci-i18n-firewall-de"
Install "luci-i18n-hd-idle-de"
Install "luci-i18n-ntpc-de"
Install "luci-i18n-statistics-de"
Install "luci-i18n-upnp-de"
Install "luci-i18n-wol-de"
Install "luci-i18n-wshaper-en"
Install "rsync"

Seems updater recognizes these “opkg install” actions it self, as it did add this by itself into this file. Yet it doesn´t yet recognize “opkg remove” actions. So I use /etc/updater/user.lua with:

Uninstall "luci-i18n-ahcp-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-base-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-commands-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-ddns-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-firewall-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-minidlna-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-statistics-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-tinyproxy-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-transmission-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-upnp-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-watchcat-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-wol-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-hd-idle-cs" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-i18n-samba-cs" {priority=60}

Uninstall "transmission-daemon-openssl" "luci-i18n-transmission-en" "luci-app-transmission" {priority=60}
Uninstall "fswebcam" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-app-minidlna" "luci-i18n-minidlna-de" "luci-i18n-minidlna-en" "minidlna" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-app-samba" "luci-i18n-samba-en" "samba36-client" "samba36-server" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-app-watchcat" "luci-i18n-watchcat-en" "luci-i18n-watchcat-de" "watchcat" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-app-tinyproxy" "luci-i18n-tinyproxy-de" "luci-i18n-tinyproxy-en" "tinyproxy" {priority=60}
Uninstall "luci-app-mjpg-streamer" "mjpg-streamer" {priority=60}

What do you use? Do you remove anything else?

(Please keep discussion behind the sense of the current update logic to other already existing threads.)

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Very nice, GREAT SUCCESS!!!

Some of these i can add to my user.lua. I already had some, but the ones that i added you already have them added to the user.lua

My approach was:

  1. re-flash with “omnia-medkit-latest-minimal.tar.gz”
  2. complete the wizard setup, disabling updater
  3. configuring “/etc/config/updater”
  4. enable updater
  5. install packages

My current “/etc/config/updater”:

config pkglists 'pkglists'
        list lists 'lxc'

config override 'override'
        option disable '0'

My current “/etc/updater/auto.lua”:

-- A file with auto-generated Install commands. Do not edit.
Install "birdc4"
Install "block-mount"
Install "kmod-ata-mvebu-ahci"
Install "luci-app-sqm"
Install "openvpn-openssl"
Install "6in4"

I now also removed the “nas” pkglist as it installs a whole bunch of stuff I just don´t need, and added the fstrim package that is still usefulf as is also works with the internal eMMC flash:

~# fstrim -av
/: 7 GiB (7556730880 bytes) trimmed

If I add a mSATA SSD or external harddisk to the router I will just install what I need.

So now I just have the following packagelists:

config pkglists 'pkglists'
        list lists 'netutils'
        list lists 'shell-utils'
        list lists 'lxc'
        list lists 'cacerts'
        list lists 'luci-controls'

config override 'override'
        option disable '1'

After removing snapshots I am down to:

~# df -hT /
Filesystem           Type            Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p1       btrfs           7.3G    166.9M      7.1G   2% /

which looks quite okayish to me.

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I bet you got an even smaller setup this way. I am not sure I want to reflash my device tough. But at some point I may disable the other pkglists and choose specically what packages I want, but after disabling just nas pkglist the output of opkg list appears to be okayish to me.