Updater failing because of a timeout

Since 29.3.2019 I keep getting the following error notification from my Turris Omnia:

##### Error notifications #####
Updater selhal:

unreachable: https://repo.turris.cz/omnia/lists/base.lua: Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
  • From my localhost (behind the router) I can reach https://repo.turris.cz/omnia/lists/base.lua without any issue.
  • From the diagnostics I can resolve and ping repo.turris.cz
  • I have not done any configuration changes prior to 29.3.
  • Restart (soft) of the router did not help
  • Triggering the updater manually from the command line (updater.sh) did not help (same error)
  • I am not using dynamic DNS
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Please use search before creating thread.