Updater failed: Missing CRL, possibly broken Internet connection

Hi there,

I noticed the following error after not logging into my router for quite sometime. After doing some looking i found this post ([SOLVED] Updates broken as turris can't resolve hostnames) and updated my resolver to look like this:

root@turris:~# cat /etc/config/resolver

config resolver 'common’
list interface '’
list interface ‘::1’
/ :slight_smile:
However, i’m still experiencing the error and it seems like updates may be broken as a result. Can someone help me out?

It means what it says - you have broken internet setup on your router. Setting list interface to is a bad idea, it means that your resolver wouldn’t be available on internal network - so breaking internet for everybody who is trying to resolve DNS via your server. So ideally revert it back to ‘’ and ‘::0’ and go to Foris -> DNS, try to check internet connection and if DNS fails, try to disable forwarding.

Thank you for the guidance. I’ve reverted it back ‘’ and ‘::0’ then checked DNS and it was still failing. After i disabled forwarding, DNS then stopped failing.

Thanks for the tip!