Updater error, no resolving by local DNS server

My estimate is that this is the same as Kresd eats file handles for breakfast, lunch and dinner - SW bugs discussion - Turris forum

I’m curious: what kind of forwarding do you use? With TLS or without? (In Foris list of providers, TLS is explicitly mentioned on the corresponding items.) And do you have working IPv6? I assume stable Omnia version.

We’re a bit hindered by the fact that we still haven’t been able to reproduce some of the reported problems :-/ There’s a suspicion that the problem won’t happen without occasional malfunction of connectivity from ISP or some similar elusive condition that we’ve been unable to replicate well-enough so far.

That will work only for Omnia itself, network clients will still use the broken resolver. I’d think it best to try fixing it, but it’s your choice, of course. In your case, just restarting the router/resolver or even reconfiguring the resolver via Foris will most likely work around the problem for long-enough time to download updates.