Turris swag available worldwide

Dear Turris users,

Due to your numerous requests, we decided to make our swag available worldwide. Starting today, you can find official Turris swag shop on https://swag.turris.cz

We also published a short message about it on our website. Let us know if you like, we are working also on some additional designs - like our famous PCB layout T-Shirts.


Good idea … :+1: :+1:

Kids shirt cost $16.49.

The site showed me a pop-up suggesting that I use UK version instead of US. I clicked to agree with that and since then it’s always redirecting me to the UK version that shows a 404 page (“Shop not found”). I suspect my locale setting is something “unexpected”.

Change language->Europe


That link now shows me 404 without any such choice. I’d have to clear cookies and decline that UK offer, I suppose.


Sorry, that was the price with the default margin. Corrected.

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