Turris OS 7 justified afford?

I had my problems as well with a Turris MOX which fails every main or major update. Going via clean install solves part of the problems, but others need to get solved in a 7.0.x version (Opkg in stable 7.0.0 uses hbl instead of hbs).
But just as @peci1 wrote there are multiple possible configurations that will just thwart the update or get thwarted by the update. The main developer of AsusWrt once told me (in 2017 or 2018 if I remember correctly), the TOS project is doomed because such updates cannot work. Well - I still own my first TO and bought 3 others + 2 MOX in the mean time, because the updates work that well. OpenWrt updates only seldomely worked for me and never smoothly. Turris team needs to get as much as possible as fast as possible upstreamed so they have more time for supporting the non-OpenWrt part…

Yet a 8.0 is right now not possible - OpenWrt 23.03 is based on nftables and as Turris team (wisely - this would have multiplied the problems observed by users) decided to separate version updates from functional updates, we need to get 7.1 with nftables (aka fw4) first, before they can update to TOS 8.0/OpenWrt 23.03.

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