Turris OS 7.0 is in rc!

That is related to nftables for sure as it started to work once I enabled them.


-- This is automatically generated file managed by opkg wrapper script. Please don't edit!
Install("luci-app-sqm", "turris-nor-update")

Uninstall("ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct", "kmod-ath10k-ct", { priority = 60 })
Install("ath10k-firmware-qca988x", "kmod-ath10k", "firewall4")
Package("firewall", { virtual = true })

Startup script

# Re-route eth0 IRQ to CPU1
echo 2 > /proc/irq/20/smp_affinity

Usual setup

  • two wifis, 2.4GHz SDIO for IoT, 5GHz for phones and laptops (up to 15 devices altogether)
  • 8ports switch, only TV connected right now
  • wan with NAT (no additional or custom FW rules)

Thank you for your effort on TOS 7.0. With this settings I don’t have any stability issues. Both wifi are rock solid, no errors in logs.