Turris OS 5.X Print Server Function

What is the point of having an option in Reforis to load the print server if it doesn’t work and there are no plans to make it so?

removed from reforis or from the archive?
For now, installing it via opkg (package cups) should work

Yes, should be removed from reForis.

I have no idea what I did. maybe a misclick.
edit: are you sure it was me?

Hi guys,

First, I need to respond to @viktor. Everyone has its own opinion to flag any post on this forum if he thinks it is OT/wrong/abusive or something wrong.

This topic is getting OT because of you and your hesitation to want to know who reported your post please don’t do it, otherwise, I will give you a warning and in the future, maybe vacation for a few days.

And let’s back get to the print server function. The user list is not getting anywhere. It is not getting to be removed or obsolete now. Cups itself which was present in Turris OS 3.x, it is just not there from upstream. We don’t maintain cups either p910nd. Print server and other features are marked as Community.

How does not work? In LuCI, there should be p910nd tab and you can configure it following OpenWrt doc here: