Turris OS 5 is coming

Oh wow I accidentally tried to run pkgupdate so I get arount this issue without scanning gitlab. Anyway I don’t understand the purpose why TOS 5 medkit leads to immeadite downgrade 4.0.5 that render router unusable untill downgrade is done. I understand now what is happening and that you no longer touch medkits for HBS and HBK. I understand that it is my fault not reading the forum throughly but yesterday it just wasted one hour of my time to figure out what is going on.

After fiddling with upgrade for 5 hours in the afternoon I get to state when my router boot but I was unable to connect to it and it did not give dhcp addresses to clients which was most likely caused by my effort to reinstall all missing packages by script prepared from opkg list-installed and output to that i made opkg install for all the packages which first was kmods, second was libs third were apps fourth was lxc and last were luci packages that worked for me b4. As I said at that moment my router was unusable and it was roughly about 22h so at that moment I give up and went to sleep. Luckily the idea to wait for another 64GB sdcard to be delivered for dd backup turns out great so I put the backup sd card into router and booted flawlessly back to TOS 3.11.14. So BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP! I knew it is going to be a bumpy ride to TOS5. After waking up today I plugged broken SD card to debian system under expectation that it will not be readable as I stated in another post but to my surprise debain buster immediately connected both partition including the BTRFS one that was unreadable before I consider it as side effect of upgrade when SD cards was created under some obsolete version of BTRFS kernel driver and now after upgrade the BTRFS partition were somehow upgraded and is it possible to be read now under up to date debian buster distribution.

/dev/sde1 102182 4252 97930 5% /media/vojta/0F01-0B1B
/dev/sde2 62417920 24788652 35793780 41% /media/vojta/0f276d8f-aa1e-4011-bef7-3ea279374bf2

This is quite important as before going to sleep I was satisfied that I will have to restore img backup to SD card which in my case take 4 hours to write (almost 40% of 64GB). Now to be able to read the BTRFS partition and to have snapshot of 4.0.5 it gives me hope that it will just need to take to rewrite content of this last snapshot to current one and Turris should boot e.g. not all 5 + 4 (sd restore) hours would be wasted and I could waste my time somewhere else with trying to get LXC containers of debian and pihole working back again under TOS5 and reconfigure all the services under TOS5

When will be TOS 5 switched to HBT?

Thanks for your question. Soon.

Thank you also. I don’t want to respond right after creation TOS 3.11.16 release thread, but TOS 5 (HBT) with functional mwan and newer and updated kernel will be great.

I considered use of TOS 5 (HBK) on me managed Omnia’s, but I am waiting to solving “Unreliable DSL (PPP) connection” issue.

Milestone related issues Turris OS 5.0 · Turris · GitLab

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