When I install Reforis, the tab of the browser goes to “Web site unavailable”. It’s like it’s frozen.
Even after I have started the update to 4.0.5, it takes forever, with the message no more memory…
“Failed to fork command /tmp/updater-busybox-jGcFEp/busybox: Out of memory”
The box runs already after the start with only 200MB free RAM what Netdata says, LuCI says only half.
And there I even turned off Pakon/Suricata meanwhile…
And that with absolutely minimal adjustment via Foris or LuCI, no special scenarios that are running here.
For the cash I would have gotten a good Fritzbox!..
Tinkering is fine, but if I have to be afraid before each update that it doesn’t work or that the memory is full again, then something goes wrong with the concept.
Today I noticed that I can not connect to Transmission, I thought that it completely fell apart, reinstalled and then the same. I can see that Turris has updated to version 4.0.5. Is someone also not working on Transmission?
Just to check if it’s the same problem, or a different one. Do you see the “jail: not root, aborting: No error information” error in /var/log/messages as well? If so, it might be the seccomp hardening packages problem. Do you have the “Hardening (experimental) Seccomp tools for system hardening.” packages enabled in the Updater tab in Foris?
On a side note, I’m unable to run transmission (even wihtout seccomp) from the init script (or LuCi) after the update to 4.0.5 either. I didn’t have time to investigate yet, but it might as well be a new problem introduce in 4.0.5.
I have not yet found such information in the file /var/log/messages and I don’t have the Hardening package (experimental) either - in fact what is it for?
Just wondering why everytime there is TOS update …in Foris>WAN section it makes changes my “IPv6=Disabled” to “IPv6 = (Automatic DHCPv6)” . Plus “Wan6” interface is created (which cause some other issues with surricata related services, routing and such). So i have to change it back a and manually remove wan6 and restart network/firewall services.
Also i do not understand, but i have to “disable data collect” (wait for pkgupdate to finish), “enable data collect” (with email registration)…otherwise collect/sending reports is not working correctly.
@Pepe is there any timespan already in your mind, when all Turris Omnia owner will get this major update? I am thinking to update my Turris Omnia to Turris OS 4.0.5 within the next 2 weeks, but if the genera update would come within the next month, I would wait for it.
Now that I checked, I have the same problem as you after update to 4.0.5. In 4.0.3 the init script/LuCI worked with the hardening packages uninstalled. In 4.0.5 this stopped working, and I can only get it running from the command line directly.
I reinstalled Turris OS 5.0.0. and get for luci-proto-relay:
root@turris:~# opkg install luci-proto-relay
Installing luci-proto-relay (git-20.016.50399-e1df28d-1.0) to root...
Downloading https://repo.turris.cz/hbs/omnia/packages/luci/luci-proto-relay_git-20.016.50399-e1df28d-1_all.ipk
Collected errors:
* check_data_file_clashes: Package luci-proto-relay wants to install file /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/network/proto_relay.lua
But that file is already provided by package * luci-compat
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-proto-relay.
And even though it seems to be “installed”, it is not listed under the interfaces. And if I move the above file and install the package it does still not show up under interfaces that can be added.
I have the same problem on my MOX. I ran a debug pkgupdate and this was the last few lines:
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: tar -xzf /tmp/updater-OfgdOM/data.tar.gz -C /usr/share/updater/unpacked//updater-aLnmLm/data
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: rm -rf /tmp/updater-OfgdOM
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: find ! -type d -print0
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: find -type d -print0
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: tar -xzf /usr/share/updater/download/mox-support-4.14.162-1-9fe572fdacfb832dfffa9a18b98e72e3.2.ipk -C /tmp/updater-bAfemI
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: rm -rf /tmp/updater-bAfemI
DEBUG:src/lib/interpreter.c:323 (lua_run_generic):Util command: rm -rf /usr/share/updater/unpacked//updater-oMjDLA
DEBUG:src/lib/journal.c:286 (lua_finish):Closing journal
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
DIE:src/pkgupdate/main.c:204 (main):
[string “transaction”]:330: [string “backend”]:485: Stage 1 unpack failed: tar: corrupted data
tar: short read