Turris OS 3.11 is out!

This does not look good. For me, it might seem like a corrupted file system, right now, you just have 2 transactions, if they appear more, then it’s for sure something bad and I do not even want to tell you that you should ignore them, because, in the end, it’s your data. Not mine and you would have to know if you have any backups, and if not, it’s a good time to have some backups.

Anyway, let’s take a look at those 2 transactions. According to BTRFS kernel documentation:

Under normal circumstances the generation numbers must match.

Would you please try the following command and send me the output from it? It will show you if they are any I/O errors.

btrfs dev stat /dev/mmcblk0p2

Then, I would start with command btrfs scrub, which would verify the block checksums for data and metadata blocks. If it somehow succeeds, I’d suggest you change the microSD card for a new one or try to format the current microSD card and after you do it, you can try to use something like H2testw to check your microSD card.

And finally, the last interesting question, did you have a power outage?