Turris OS 3.10.4 released!

I rolled back to working 3.10.3 snapshot and tried updating again to 3.10.4

I got:
Output from ucollect-config.preinst:
cat: can’t open ‘2’: No such file or directory


INFO:Running post-install and post-rm scripts
Output from base-files.postinst:
uci: Entry not found


+ /etc/kresd/convert_config.sh
uci: Entry not found

After that it hangs at:
Output from foris-controller-storage-module.postinst:
+ [ -z ]
+ /etc/init.d/foris-controller restart
+ /etc/init.d/srv enable
+ mkdir -p /srv

In foris I do get notification with updates but the updater running constantly (hangs)