Turris Omnia registration code


I already set up the router however I didn’t notice it presented the registration code in the last step of the wizard. Can I get the registration code somewhere now that I have a working router?

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Having the same question.

In /etc/config/foris there is “wizard” section where you can change option finished '1' to ‘0’ and rerun “first-run” wizard again. (i am not sure about that, as i only tested scenario when i changed ‘0’ to ‘1’ actually). There is also “contract” section (which as i understand is for Turris 1.x only).

For Turris Omnia, there is cron task /etc/cron.d/server-uplink.cron which register and validate the registration/contract. Registration code is stored in /usr/share/server-uplink/registration_code. (but i am not sure if this is same for Turris 1.x)

This should gave you a reg.code (again this is working on Omnia, not sure about Turris 1.x)
curl -sS --cacert "/etc/ssl/turris.pem" -m 120 "https://api.turris.cz/challenge.cgi" | atsha204cmd challenge-response | head -c 16

I changed the labels of this thread. There was label Turris 1.x, however, the title of this thread is about Turris Omnia.

I wouldn’t proceed with @Maxmilian_Picmaus as there is no need to run anything that he said. That it is for experienced users and even not correct. You don’t need to re-run the wizard/guide to receive the registration code. :wink:

The question depends on the Turris OS version you have installed on your router without it, there is no possibility to proceed. Since Turris OS 4.x, there is no registration code as there are some pieces of a new data collection system Sentinel which is going to be introduced with Turris OS 5.1.