Turris Omnia nothing to Automatic update

I’m sorry for my english
I have recently had a Turris Omnia 2020 in this state:

Device Turris Omnia
reForis version 1.1.2
Turris OS version 5.3.10
Turris OS branch HBS
Kernel version 4.14.280

My setting in Package management is:
Update Setting ==> Automatic update Setting ==> ENABLE
Update Approvals ==> update approval needed

in the reForis interface ==> package management ==> Updates
when I click on “check updates” I have not found any updates for about a week when there was always something to update before

my question is :
When are updates released… are they daily?
How can do to update the Turris because automatic updating is the first skill that led me to purchase and since I still have some time to test (before making the return) I would like to try to solve!

Updates arrive when available . Turris OS version 5.3.11 is in the testing branch and will come soon , that is why you haven’t seen package updates , those will be included in Turris OS version 5.3.11

Yes … HBS 5.3.10 is the latetst current version … is this the solution to your problem? ? :slight_smile: