Turris Mox USB (from module A) not working any more (for mass storage) after TOS 6.0 upgrade

According to listing of installed modules, you had version 5.15.88 of them, while I have installed version 5.15.89, ie. newer

root@MOXjp:~# opkg list-installed kmod-usb*
kmod-usb-core - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6
kmod-usb-ehci - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6
kmod-usb-storage - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6
kmod-usb-storage-extras - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6
kmod-usb-storage-uas - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6
kmod-usb2 - 5.15.89-1-64722ee4b91fa2779e55bbf4f1bbe4a6

I suppose that you didn’t made update properly :frowning:

As mentioned in another thread:

“Search the forum, probably you have to do fresh (clean) installation of last version. Suggest to follow documentation”

Another mention regarding manual update using SSH was to issue command opkg update first, only than opkg install *module-name* .

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