Turris MOX official box is now available as a 3D model

Hey guys,

Here you are:

Thanks for sharing pictures of your prints as well as feedback with us!



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(For English see below.)

Vsiml jsem si, ze plast nad procesorem je celkem casto vyrazneji zahraty nez zbytek “plastvi”. Tak jsem se rozhodl teplo trosku roztahnout po vetsi plose, pouzit k tomu tepelny vodic a zlepsit pasivni proudeni vzduchu uvnitr MOXe. Proto jsem si upravil nasdilene 3D modely boxu tak, aby horni zebra byla nizsi a navic s otevrenym stropem, a pak spojovaci plastve (sestihrany). Vytiskl jsem to a k tomu jsem si koupil hlinikovy profil 60x6x288 mm na ehlinik.cz. Vysledek je na fotce nize. Lokalni teplota nad procesorem se vyrazne snizila, cely blok ma teplotu jen mirne vyssi nez je teplota okoli. Hlinikovy profil je volne lozeny na plastove konstrukci MOXe, neni tedy vhodny k umisteni v jine nez horizontalni poloze.
Upravene 3D modely jsou zde: Ulož.to

To reduce local heat on a cover above CPU and to improve airflow inside my MOX, I decided to implement a heatsink. Thanks to upper post I downloaded the 3D, modified the top part of Box to reduce height of internal ribs as well as opened the top and modified the Cover and 3D printed it. And finally I bought an aluminium bar 60x6x288 mm from www.ehlinik.cz.
The result is on the photo below. The temperature in average went rapidly down and is disipated to the whole heatsink and it is still passive system, so without any additional electricity consumption. Please note that the Alu bar is designed to be freely placed there, so the MOX requires horizontal placement.
My models for 3D printing of the modified MOX parts are here: Ulož.to