Supported SFP modules

Yes, I’m using that one with a German ISP (PYUR) that does mere MAC-address-based allow-listing + IPv4-only DHCP.

Here’s the gist of what I did:

# on Turris, switch from PHY to SFP
ln -sf armada-385-turris-omnia-sfp.dtb /boot/dtb
# reset with
#ln -sf armada-385-turris-omnia-phy.dtb /boot/dtb

# needs reboot to take effect

# check everything works
ethtool -m eth2

# Create interface with static IP on eth2

# next, login to ONU SFP's OpenWrt
# the password is hardcoded and the key alg is not considered secure by Fedora
sshpass -p '7sp!lwUBz1' ssh -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa ONTUSER@

# set your Turris as gateway
root@SFP:/home/ONTUSER# fw_setenv gatewayip

# show ONT serial_number
root@SFP:/home/ONTUSER# onu gtcsng
# errorcode=0 serial_number=PMACXXXXXXXX

# show ONT pw
root@SFP:/home/ONTUSER# onu gtcpg
#errorcode=0 password=0000000000

# show ONT state (should be 5)
root@SFP:/home/ONTUSER# onu ploamsg
#errorcode=0 curr_state=5

See also: GPON ONU Stick with MAC (GPON-ONU-34-20BI) | Hack GPON

tangential: Maybe a mod can reopen GPON SFP options?

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