Supervised Home Assistant on Turris Omnia

Hi al,

Is there any consensus on the best approach to running HA on a turris omnia? I’ve tried the different approaches:

  • HassOS: Actually just tested to get acquainted with HA. No use on a Turris Omnia.
  • Core: I actually tried in an Alpine LXC container. I don’t like the huge buildenv which is needed. Might try to slim it down perhaps by using a Debian container.
  • Container: As it states a OCI compliant runtime I was testing podman on Turris OS 6. No touchdown yet. I used this document is a starting point

I actually like the container idea best but it might be a bit too experimental still. I think I’ll settle for the Core setup in a LXC container.

I didn’t know about this but apparently LXC is also a OCI compliant runtime.

One can create LXC container from a docker image in LXC like this:

lxc-create -t oci -n testdock2 -- --url docker://alpine:latest

I’ve not tested this on Turris OS yet but I think this needs the skopeo, umoci and jq tools installed. Could be an approach to running HA. I’ve tried it and it gives no errors but starting the container did not start HA. Could be because the comtainer did not have a network but looking into this.

This what you linked is LXD commands not LXC so not supported on TurrisOS.

The idea is to run Supervised version of in a container. Like that you can add addons. If you need very basic HA then container approach is one command.

I successfully runned container setup in docker. But cannot get into Supervised install.

I haven’t tested it on Turris but the lxc-create <<name>> -t oci commands work on my lxc install (no lxd). However the created container of HA doesn’t really work. I think it’s missing some things.

For now I’m happy with the container of HA. I’m quite new to HA anyway. If I need more I think I will move to a core install in a LXC debian container.