Our plans for 2017/2018 - which things you can expect and so on

In our last newsletter, which was released a month ago we published a few things, which we prepared for you this year and we are working so hard to bring you new features and things as soon as possible! :slight_smile:

What did we do?

Slowly we will shrink the amount of operational data, which we are processing in graphs in Project Turris. We will transfer these graphs from our servers to your’s routers. In the era of cloud, we’re going to opposite way.
To your’s safety. To your’s local storage. To your’s decision on the data.

What we are preparing right now and should be done until the end of the year?

Stretch goals from Indiegogo campaign. We didn’t forget!

  • Active bandwidth measurement.
    (It will be linked with our project NetMetr.cz. This project should replace measurement of your connection speed and so on, which is currently available in Project Turris).
    Which improvements can you expect?
    More information about the quality of your connection with more predictive value.

  • Off-site backup & restore of router configuration
    Everyday off-site backups to our encrypted servers. It is supposed to restore the configuration of damaged/stolen router.
    For regular playing with routers (eg. installing a few things/modifying files) or before the update you can still use snapshots.

Other things:

  • Honeypot as a Service (HaaS)
    Given the increasing number of attacks, we split SSH honeypot (which was aimed to be only in our Turris routers) to a standalone project - HaaS. So everybody can join and be part of it.
    As you know there is beta testing since 1st October 2017. We would like you to be also part of our project. So we will move slowly all participants from our old SSH honeypot to HaaS, which they agreed and still agrees with sending data to us.

  • Newsletters
    Soon will be possible to signup for our newsletters in Foris. (Optionally and of course you can opt-in to all newsletters.)
    First will be aimed for Turris News. The second one will be for testing nightly/RC branches and the last one will be aimed at security.

Simultaneously we are working on improvements for our backend - things, which you can not see, but they are important for running of your router (e.g: repositories, updates, collecting data and so on) and of course for the level of security.
We would like you to extend/change the limit for data, which we’re collecting with your approval.
It will help us to improve automatic updates, which we are providing to you.
For example, with your approval, we can collect, which package do you have installed and which version of it do you have installed and also how it works.

Upcoming changes

  • Redesign: Foris web interface to the universal framework, which will allow easier creation of addons and new functions to Foris.
  • Support for BigClown sensors and they will also have Indiegogo campaign, which will start in January 2018. So you can sign up for their newsletter and you should get a big discount.
  • Support for third-party packages.
  • Better behavior of updater and better handling with packages. We will change visual indication of LED during update.
  • More work on automatic building images of TurrisOS and better testing of updates. As I said above we need to know, which packages (and their versions) do you have installed on your router to provide less collisions and/or less bugs during the update. Of course with your approval.

The distant future / Wider future

  • LEDE - We would like to switch (move?) from current OpenWRT version to LEDE. It should be in TurrisOS 4.0, which is planned for spring 2018.

  • Parental Control - We would like to have a beta version by the end of the year. During the next year, we will add access limitation.

  • Security - We also plan to monitor security threats and incidents. That is why we are also working on the improvement of our backend.

For us, significant work is continuous development of the surveillance (monitoring) center, which helps us to protect our users against threats.

At the end of this year in project protection of state institutions - We would like to give roughly 900 routers to schools and other institutions located in the Czech Republic, which needs increased security. We consider internet infrastructure protection as a key component of the project Turris. Thank you that you’re part of it. Thank you, who agreed and agrees with data collection.

Some small or even bigger projects did not mention, that is because we are not sure, when we will release them and we also do not want to disappoint you, when the things do not work as we expect. It is always better to look forward to something new or unknown.

Voluntary translated. If you don’t understand some parts, please let me know. I will try to improve it, because some technical terms were difficult to translate and in some parts, I wasn’t sure, which option is right like wider or distant future. :slight_smile:
The original post was written by @Tangero in Czech, which can be found here:


A kam ty data chcete ukládat? Budou perzistentní? Výhoda vašeho cloudu je právě ta perzistence.

Sry, but could you please translate to English? For discussion in Czech there is a dedicated Czech version of this thread.


The benefit/advantage of (CZ.NIC’s) cloud is data persistent.

Where do you want keep/save the data? Will they be persistent?

Yes, data will be persistent and remain in memory even after factory reset.

Just to clarify. We are expecting that optionally you will use secondary storage (such as usb drive) to store collected data to not wear out internal memory. In such case such memory survives factory reset and do you won’t lose your data. But if you leave data on the internal storage then you would lose your data by performing factory reset.

But note that this is still in planning phase.

And what about the read/write limitation of internal storage … is it OK?

Do I suppose well that for now data are placed in /var/run/collectd and /var/run/collectd.pid? If I’ll change their destination to USB (in /etc/collectd.conf) will the change be persistent? Do I need to change anything more?

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To answer your question.
Regarding graphs in LuCI then yes. It is better to move them to USB storage (Please don’t use internal storage.). When you will move them to USB storage you won’t lose data, when you do reboot/restart of your router.

Right now by default data are stored in RAM [/tmp (=var) folder] so you will lose data for graphs when you do reboot of your router.

LEDE - We would like to switch (move?) from current OpenWRT version to LEDE. It should be in TurrisOS 4.0, which is planned for spring 2018.

It’s so great you’re using all these open source products without contributing anything to the upstream projects.


There is quite some stuff contributed already to upstream - like mainline kernel and mainline u-boot :wink:


This reads overly harsh, no? And what is it with the shouting? Judging from your post history you bought a device you are unhappy with, okay, stuff like this happens to all of us; but what do you believe you actually achieve with such postings?

Best Regards

So everything is mainline now? Last I heard (Vanilla Linux Kernel on Omnia - #2 by miska - SW tweaks - Turris forum, Sep '2016), things like LEDs, the switch and SFP were not mainlined… that’s all fixed now?

Quite some stuff != everything :wink: AFAIK for SPF we need some patches to phy subsystem that haven’t landed in upstream yet and LEDs are a mess in general.

Do you have an ETA on the SFP support?