OpenVPN server easy and fast

Thank you, @3ullit

However, it seems not to do everything that I need.

If I connect with my mobile phone (using OpenVPN Client for iOS), and then check my phone’s ip online (go to, or ask Google for my ip), I’m still listed with my mobile phone providers IP, where I expected to have the VPN servers IP.

So what did I do?

I added the following lines:

list push ‘redirect-gateway def1’
push ‘dhcp-option DNS’
push ‘dhcp-option DNS’

to the end of the config openvpn 'server_turris' section in the /etc/config/openvpn file.

I verified (and used after every config change I did) that the /etc/init.d/openvpn stop / start command controls the VPN server, and that the DNS addition to the config file is necessary.

I’ve experimented with the push and list push options and it seems this specific combination works for me, wheres other mixes would not allow my DNS to work from the phone.

Any further ideas to what I can do to configure this to the VPN client is completely hidden?