Omnia / 5.0 keep writing to mmcblk0 even though there are no apps and no reason to do so

So, it’s been quite some time… All the solutions mentioned above did not work for me back then. I still see the same behaviour.
Now I am on TOS 7.1.2. Done multiple factory resets during last years.
I have SSD configured by reforis storage system.
I have following tools configured to use the SSD:


I have following packages installed in reforis:

RIPE Atlas SW Probe
Internet connection speed measurement
New devices detection

No further packages. Ripe Probe writes to /tmp/ripe_atlas_probe/data/ so it should be fine. RIPE Atlas určení storrage pro zápis dat? - #7 by ljelinek
I don’t think updates are writing multiple times every day. See screenshots below.
Now after all the years gone, is there known reason, or is there a way how to find the culprit / smoking gun?

Just for reference, the SSD (SDA) is being used and working fine: