NIC.CZ censorship

I, personally, am not a fan of this kind of thing…

Me neither. But there is already a thread about this topic and I just don’t understand why people think to place something like this everywhere where it doesn’t belong.

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Me too. Free speech has very high value for me. On the other side, I understand why it is done (although my personal opinion is different).


Would be great from developper grop to upgrade product documentation. As there is a censorhip cooperation of CZ.NIC with government, it should be officially reported in Turris products documentation and features. As it is significantly relevant information in case of such networks devices like secured routers, firewalls etc, its really important to inform consumers, that CZ.NIC is cooperating on censorship with government. Would be really perfect to see it in official documentation ,web presentation of Turris products, marked these products as products of group cooperating with government on censorship. Looks like consumers deception. Strange, that developer is not proudly using such a great government cooperation information in PROMO documents. It has strong selling potentioal.

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As most of your latest comments also this is off topic. It’s up to the government if it regulates its domain. HW and SW included in Turris has nothing to do with it. Simple understanding of how networks, rules and laws works could help.


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