New key added to known_hosts each reboot?

Before I do a bug report I’d like to ask whether others are experiencing the same thing, or if I am missing something obvious.

I regularly ssh into my Omnia, and after updating to TurrisOS 5.x I noticed that new keys keep appearing in my desktop machine’s ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. I can reproduce this by rebooting the Omnia and SSHing into it again.

Disconnecting and reconnecting by SSH does not do this, only a reboot of the router. There are no errors or warnings about new keys or key changes, just new keys from the Omnia on my local machine, appearing every single time I reboot the router.

I’m using ed25519 keys and passwordless authentication if that matters. Anyone else notice this?

I use SSH a lot with a variety of machines and I have never experienced this before. I don’t even know where to begin troubleshooting.

Did you set your ssh client to accept automatically new host keys? It should not even connect if the host key is different. I don’t understand how you could get several keys for the same remote host…

To troubleshoot I changed HashKnownHosts in my desktop SSH config to ‘no’, so I could see which device IP address all the new entries were associated to, and have since discovered that this is an issue with my mobile phone and the GSConnect GNOME extension. Apologies for the confusion, the Omnia is working perfectly fine.

Each time I restarted the router my phone disconnected and then reconnected, generating a new key (or fingerprint?) in known_hosts, and I incorrectly assumed this was caused by the router. Strange issue, but at least now I know what is causing it.

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