Nefunkční Nikola - neodesílání dat z Firewall

Mám taky pocit že ti nebeží syslog-ng. Vznika a rastie súbor v adresári /tmp/log/messages?

Chcel som vyskúšať program nikola na omnii. Rád by som vedel aké pakety firewall zrušil.
Program konči s chybovou správou:
I wanted to try the nikola program on omnia. I’d like to know what packets the firewall has droped. ends with error message:

2019-05-05 15:30:02 info nikola[]: (v43.1) recognized WAN interfaces: lo, pppoe-wan
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Establishing connection took 0.557171 seconds
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Session init took 0.585629 seconds
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Records parsed: 0
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Records after filtering: 0
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Records filtering took 0.000646 seconds
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) {‘msg’: ‘Server was notified that client has no data to send.’}
!!! This line is interesting!
2019-05-05 15:30:05 info nikola[]: (v43.1) Sending records took 0.023941 seconds
2019-05-05 15:30:05 err nikola[]: (v43.1) turris firewall rules might not be active

Podľa súboru /etc/syslog-ng.d/nikola.conf má vzniknúť súbor /var/log/iptables mne však nevzniká! Aký má byť formát súboru iptables (no parse)?
Viete poradiť prečo!
According to the /etc/syslog-ng.d/nikola.conf file a /var/log/iptables file is not created! What should be the iptables file format?
Can you advise why!

Message from:
syslog-ng --syntax-only
[2019-05-05T16:53:19.826223] WARNING: Configuration file format is too old, syslog-ng is running in compatibility mode. Please update it to use the syslog-ng 3.20 format at your time of convenience. To upgrade the configuration, please review the warnings about incompatible changes printed by syslog-ng, and once completed change the @version header at the top of the configuration file.;
[2019-05-05T16:53:19.888280] WARNING: syslog-ng dropped support for POSIX regexp implementations in syslog-ng 3.14 in favour of PCRE, which should be upward compatible. All ‘posix’ regexps are automatically switched to ‘pcre’. Please ensure that your regexps work with PCRE and specify type(‘pcre’) explicitly or increase @version to remove this warning;