Micro WIPS on Turris Omnia (KRACK detector)

Needs ctypes, which isn’t part of the default install:

# ./krack_detect.py wlan0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./krack_detect.py", line 6, in <module>
    import ctypes
ImportError: No module named ctypes

Install ctypes:

# opkg install python-ctypes

Some folks will also need to know how to start it automatically. You’ll have to go tot he LuCI web interface, go to System|Startup, then go to the bottom to “Local Startup” and add the full path to the script there.

I’m planning on running it for a while to see what the load is before I decide to run it full time. My set up is pretty tightly controlled, so I don’t imagine I’ll really need it anyway.