LuCI Permission Error on nslookup

I am on Omnia and 5.1.4, why am I getting this error if in LuCI I try to run nslookup?

From ssh no problem. How can I understand what’s behind that error?

EDIT: I found and fixed the problem after opening an issue on the LuCI project on Github
Looking in the LuCI permissions file on Turris OS I found that Diagnostics/nslookup points to the executable /usr/bin/ nslookup, which does not exist on Turris OS. So I copied the executable from /bin to /usr/bin, assigned the right permissions to the file and the trick is done.
I don’t know if the problem concerns that particular version of LuCI or the modifications of Turris (I notice for example that the file concerning the Diagnostics permissions are on a different file in LuCI master and in Turris).

Thanks for letting us know about this issue. I was able to reproduce it on my end and here goes fixes:

HBK and HBL:

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