LTE Modem -- disable "Roaming" -- Select the cellular network operator manually

I was able to find the answer to this after some further search.

1. Get serving system info, to check the connected network

root@turris:~# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-serving-system
	"registration": "registered",
	"plmn_mcc": 260,
	"plmn_mnc": 2,
	"plmn_description": "TM PL",
	"roaming": true  

2. Initiate network scan, to check the available networks and find the mcc and mnc number, needed for point 3:

root@turris:~# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --network-scan

	"network_info": [

			"mcc": 260,
			"mnc": 2,
			"description": "TM PL",
			"status": [
			"mcc": 262,
			"mnc": 2,
			"description": "",
			"status": [

3. Register at specified network, get the mcc (Mobile Country Code) and mnc (Mobile Network Code) from the desired network in order to lock the modem into.

root@turris:~# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --set-plmn --mcc 262 --mnc 2

4. Check if the changes were successful:

root@turris:~# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-serving-system
    	"registration": "registered",
    	"plmn_mcc": 262,
    	"plmn_mnc": 2,
    	"plmn_description": "",
    	"roaming": true
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