Lighttpd permanentně zatěžuje CPU

Aha dobrý postřeh.
Mohu potvrdit. Dělají to grafy. Konkrétně graf z balíčku collectd-mod-ping. Dokonce nejspíš vím i proč.

Viz: Collectd-mod-nut and collectd-mod-ping not working

v /usr/lib/lua/luci/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/ping.lua stačí na řádcích 13 a 14 přepsat value na ping

-- Copyright 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <>
-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.

module("", package.seeall)

function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype )
        return {
                -- Ping roundtrip time
                { title = "%H: ICMP Round Trip Time",
                  vlabel = "ms",
                  number_format = "%5.1lf ms",
                  data = {
                        sources = { ping = { "ping" } },
                        options = { ping__ping = {
                                noarea = true, overlay = true, title = "%di" } }
                } },

                -- Ping droprate
                { title = "%H: ICMP Drop Rate",
                  vlabel = "%",
                  number_format = "%5.2lf %%",
                  data = {
                        types   = { "ping_droprate" },
                        options = { ping_droprate = {
                                noarea = true, overlay = true, title = "%di" } }
                } }

ajb007 děkuji za spolupráci. :slight_smile:

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