Installing softethervpn5-client fails with: /etc/init.d/: Permission denied

I am getting the same error installing via web interface and in root shell:

root@turris:~# opkg install softethervpn5-client
Installing softethervpn5-client (5.01.9674-1) to root...
Installing kmod-tun (4.14.290-1-e7efbb661dce3f3c72ad7afb470f9103) to root...
Installing softethervpn5-libs (5.01.9674-1) to root...
Configuring kmod-tun.
Configuring softethervpn5-libs.
Configuring softethervpn5-client.
//usr/lib/opkg/info/softethervpn5-client.postinst: line 261: /etc/init.d/: Permission denied

The error message looks weird to me. I have no idea where to start debugging this. Any ideas?

Weird, there is no postinst section defined in the package: . Is it somehow autogenerated?

I belive its the same problem as here:

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I had a similar error message yesterday when installing block-mount, however everything seemed to work fine so I just shrugged and carried on…

Thank you very much for the answers. With this context the whole thing looks like a more general problem with openwrt/turris and nothing related to the specific package.

Seems that no problems arise from that error. Anyway would be good to know what causes that error and how to fix it.

Today an explanation was posted by the Turris team to the other linked thread, with the key point being:

This should be a harmless warning and should be fixed with Turris OS 6.0 that we hope to release soon.

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