How to get CNAMEs with kresd - Answer: unable/no solution

Thanks, I assume you can’t give me any closer ETA for this. Is there a concrete issue at describing the work so I can subscribe to it and watch the progress? Thanks, T.

Yes, it’s connected to very big changes, so I can’t really give an ETA. It will certainly take at least months to get to Turrises. There is a summary ticket for these changes:

I wonder if you could use the solution I’ve got for a related issue.

I like to have reverse lookups for my local DDNS. Maybe this has changed recently, but I was unhappy that the DDNS provided by just the Knot resolver wouldn’t do PTR records, so I set up the dnsmasq to do that for my local-only zone.

I have a custom set up for kresd and run the DNS server on dnsmasq at a different port. In /etc/config/dhcp under the config dnsmasq sec
tion I have:

option local '/myzone.home/'
option domain 'myzone.home'
option port '5353'

The in my custom.conf section for kresd I’ve added the following:

policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.STUB(''), policy.todnames({'myzone.home',''})))
-- Allow reverse lookups
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.PASS, { todname('') }))
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.DENY, policy.todnames({''})))

If you have forwarding enabled on the Foris interface, you will want to move that section to the end of the custom.conf and uncheck it in Foris. It will be in the wrong order if you don’t.

Thanks a lot @vcunat, much appreciated!

Thanks for the suggestion @jklaas. I was thinking about chaining in some other DNS resolver as you did, but it seemed too complicated.

I’ll eventually try your solution, but it’s starting to become too complex compared to the (rather theoretical) value I’d get from using DNS aliases to identify the services running on my home infrastructure.