How to configure local address DNS resoultion on Omnia

Had the same problem here. I was not able to have DHCP names served via DNS with Knot and/or odhcpd. Thus I’m only using dnsmasq for IPv4.

These steps resolved the problem for me:

  1. make sure that kresd (aka Knot DNS server) is deactivated (luci -> startup) and stop it
  2. make sure that odhcpd is not running as DNS
    • from /etc/config/dhcp delete the line “option dhcpv4 ‘server’”
    • only delete the dhcpv4 not the dhcpv6!
    • restart odhcpd (luci -> startup) if you changed the file
  3. configure dnsmasq to use port 53, and thus start the dns function of dnsmasq
    • go to luci -> network -> DNS and DHCP -> Advanced Settings
    • delete the value in “DNS server port” or set it to “53”)
  4. make sure dnsmasq is activated (luci -> startup) and restart it
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