HaaS does not log [WORKAROUND]

OK I found a reason and temporary solution. So in short why my haas didn’t work:
In /etc/init.d/haas-proxy in check_fw function there is a variable
WAN_IP=“ubus call network.interface.wan status | sed -n 's|.*address":[[:blank:]]*"\([0-9.]*\)".*|\1|p'
and it returns no value for me. Thats why firewall rules are not applied.

I know its not good solution but I found a workaround to set WAN_IP to:
WAN_IP="curl myip.dnsomatic.com" in my temporary /etc/init.d/haas-proxy_TEST.

after restart of that temporary test service I get port 22 open when I scan my IP with nmap and I could login to honeypot like that:
areyouloco@frank:~ $ ssh root@mydomain.tld
root@mydomain.tld's password:
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root@svr04:~# su
root@svr04:~# cat /etc/*version
Noneroot@svr04:~# timed out waiting for input: auto-logout
Connection to haas-app.nic.cz closed.
Connection to mydomain.tld closed

So the main reason is that I do not get an ip address in statistics of the wan interface I think it’s because I am using not so common protocol to connect to the internet (described here: [Solved] Huawei E3372s-153 in NCM mode not working - SW help - Turris forum).

I think it might be the main reason for my other issues. I am sending my wishes to the TurrisTeam to help me find the exact issue. Willing to post logs, debug, break stuff. Thx!

Will post some results after few login attempts from the https://haas.nic.cz/ after it (hopefully!?) updates logged credentials.

YEAH! I got my first 3 sessions logged! So I know the workaround is working. So @Pepe it was reason no.1 but kinda hidden. i do get public IPv4 but it’s not shown in interface statistics.