Future of Nextcloud in Turris OS

Yes, I’ve started syncthing. I’m currently just waiting for my newly ordered SSD to arrive (I’ll send the old one with the broken router to support)

I checked the traffic (thanks for the command) . It was listening to me on the port:

tcp 0 0 0* LISTEN 14608/python3

Even though radicale was disabled. After rebooting the router, it fixed it. If I run initd it starts listening on localhost, after shutting down the status disappears. However, I am currently getting error 501. If I stop initd and run radicale2 in ssh, I get no response (of course I get the port busy message again after running initd). At I am currently getting no response. Have you edited the directory under /srv in any specific way yet? Data is not being written there yet, so I still wondered about this problem, since the log spoke clearly:

turris radicale2[----]: Data directory '/srv/radicale2/data' does not exist. Startup failed !!!

I created the directory.

turris radicale2[16707]: [b6ffc560] ERROR: An exception occurred during server startup: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/radicale2'
turris haas-proxy-start[11212]: 2022-12-07T10:39:41 CRITICAL twisted 'channel open failed, direct-tcpip is not allowed'
turris radicale2[16742]: [b6f37560] ERROR: An exception occurred during server startup: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/radicale2'

So I set the permissions:

root@turris:~# chmod -R 0700 /srv/radicale2
root@turris:~# chown -R radicale2 /srv/radicale2

In the log it says:

turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Starting Radicale
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Authentication type is 'htpasswd'
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Storage type is 'multifilesystem'
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Rights type is 'owner_only'
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Web type is 'internal'
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Listening to 'localhost' on port 5232
turris radicale2[5249]: [b6f08560] INFO: Radicale server ready

But no response, still getting 501, the web interface won’t open on GW.

I don’t have any experience with Radicale, but Listening to localhost means the port can only be accessed locally. You should be able to change localhost to something like if you want it to listen on that IP or tunnel localhost:5232 to your PC through ssh with ssh -N -L 5232:localhost:5232 and go to https://localhost:5232 in the browser. Of course this is useful for debugging, but not really for using it in a long term.


Yes, you’re right. As I was making changes hastily, I forgot to add this. Now my server is working, apparently the problem was caused by the permissions set for the folder.

One more question. Does anyone have caldav set up to sync bookmarks? Mobile contacts are no problem. But somehow I can’t figure out the correct configuration for floccus, if that’s even possible. At worst, I’ll revert to xBrowserSync.

Update from Nextcloud regarding 32-bit architectures: Update on 32-bit support: decision to block the update on Nextcloud 26 reverted - 🎁 Releases - Nextcloud community

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