I have two propositions for changes/updates in the official documentation:
After "Set the sharing of the directory with the installation images for the netboot in the file /etc/exports: "
Would be nice to add command to apply & test settings afterwards:
exportfs -rv
it says that rainbow intensity command takes values from 0 to 7. But according to rainbow help:
‘intensity’ NUMBER, where:
NUMBER is number from 0 to 100 (percent of maximum brightness).
I guess that just changed with some update. The same change needs to go to:
For the proposed cron job, ex:
* * * * * root /usr/bin/rainbow_button_sync.sh
0 7 * * * root rainbow intensity 100
0 22 * * * root rainbow intensity 50
0 23 * * * root rainbow intensity 30
0 24 * * * root rainbow intensity 10
3. In the https://doc.turris.cz/doc/en/howto/turris_os_build
There is something about file vagrant/vagrant_bootstrap.sh
and in i you can find build dependencies. I just pulled the sources and there is only vagrant/vagrant_provision.sh
Always helpfull to make changes myself if needed