There are mPCIe to m.2-adapters available, so you have options to install m.2-SSDs.
The only downside is the bandwidth of mPCIe is limited to 2,5Gbit, you will not make much use of faster SSDs (PCIe3.0x4 → 32gbit, PCIe4.0x4 → 64Gbit, etc). But as the fastest way you can connect to your MOX is also 2,5Gbit (via SFP-port /module D), the SSD is not the limiting factor.
As I have quite a while searched for the most efficient mSATA-SSD, I know there are 1TB-SSDs available. But for sure there is no further development, energy consumption of mSATA vs. m.2 is really bad and you can get m.2-SSDs up to 8TB maximum storage…
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