Automatic migration is here!

Koukám na 1.0 modráka. Btrfs sice mám již dlouho, ale asi jsem zvolil malou SD kartu:
root@turris:~# pkgupdate
There is not minimum 400MB of free storage to allow migration.
WARN:Requested package luci-i18n-ddns-en that is missing, ignoring as requested.
root@turris:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 222.1M 163.5M 58.6M 74% /
tmpfs 1011.5M 76.6M 934.9M 8% /tmp
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev

Asi bude jednodušší to vzít na čisto.
Je zdokumentována cesta na čistou instalaci pomocí medkitu 5.3 verze ?

Tak podle logu to vlastně vypadá na boot z interního úložiště, místo SD karty :astonished:
Asi něco umřelo…
Je možné, že boot proběhl z interního úložiště a přitom se hlásí jako TOS 3.11.23?

Na tohle jsme mysleli a máme v dokumentaci sepsané, ale předtím je nutné bootovat z microSD karty na modrém Turrisu.

Ano. Zkontrolujte stav microSD karty a zda je připojená. Pokud budete mít připojenou microSD kartu, tak postupujte dle již zmíněného návodu.

Dear Turris users,

Today, we triggered a new migration wave for approx 5500 serial numbers of Turris Omnia routers, which leaves us that the final wave will be done with the same count of routers.

I will let you know about the final wave shortly.

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SD karta opravdu umřela.
Výměna a migrace na TOS5.3.3 proběhla v pořádku.

Děkuji Turris týmu za fůru odvedené práce a podporu původního modráka :slight_smile:


Dear Turris users,

The last migration wave was pushed to all the remaining routers, which were not migrated yet to Turris OS 5.3.

Later, this week we will announce the end of life for Turris OS 3.x. It means that this old version is no longer to be supported and we will no provide any support for it.

We suggest to update to the Turris OS 5.3 as soon as possible to remain secure against Internet threats.


How long is this upgrade supposed to take? My router decided to upgrade itself automatically with no warning, and it’s still going and completely inaccessible 40 minutes later.

It can be an hour. Automatic updates without time delay take place instantly.

Tak vidíte, že to dopadlo dobře!

Hi everyone, today my router got bricked after restart (no wifi, no response from webinterface, no DLNA/SMB, although internet through cable was still working). Tried to reset to factory default (3 LED), it came back online, restored settings from backup, but since everything was so or so messed up (no DLNA, no SMB) I decided to upgrade to v5 (Version in Foris is showing currently “Turris OS version 3.9.6”). Then I found this topic, that actually all routers should be already updated (well, at least mine is not, I had and still have automatic updates turned on) and that it should be possible to trigger that also manually in Foris, but I do not have such possibility in Updater:

Am I missing something? How to trigger that?

If so, then that’s something that needs to be planned in advance. You can’t just push a surprise 1+ hour downtime while the router actively used . And an hour of zero indication that anything is even happening is an unreasonable amount of time to wait. How did they manage to make it that slow?

Anyway, the router completely borked itself during the upgrade, and I had to connect a serial port and restore a snapshot to get it working again.

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Of course. That’s why I have deferred updates and e-mail notifications set up on my router.

Can you be specific?

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