Alternative OpenVPN Client configuration [Killswitch + bypass]


The original Turris OpenVPN Client package is useless to me for now.
I need to have:

  1. VPN tunnel for several machines in the home network with the Killswitch function.
  2. Internet without VPN for several other machines.

I read about:

Both packages above are by @stangri
It seems to me that none of them meet my requirements :frowning:
(I think)

I went to pure OpenWRT and found the manual
but this configuration probably does not provide Killswitch either.
However, at the end of this original manual there is a link to which probably describes how to get Killswitch to work properly without additional packages (firewall zone configuration only).

Now I have 2 questions:

  1. Can this OpenVPN configuration break something in my Omnia?
  2. Can you create 2 LAN zones?
    LAN1 (with addresses e.g. - and leave it for VPN with Killswitch.
    LAN2 (with addresses e.g. - and assign it to WAN without VPN.