3.7 out in RC with guest wi-fi!

Dear Turristers,
we just released 3.7 into RC branch with interesting improvements!

Are you gonna test it through the weekend? If not, there will be some time to test it in the next week:

Changes are:
• foris: URL changed to /foris
• foris: simple guest WiFi setup!
• foris: Slovak, Polish and French translation
• foris: option to select localization to install
• foris: more options for OpenVPN server
• kernel: experimental support for graphics cards (very geeky thing :smile: )
• pakon: experimental support for new devices detection -> you’ll be notified about newly connected devices in Foris “Home” panel
• updater: migration to new updater on Turris router 1.0 and 1.1

Thank you for your time and effort, have a nice weekend!


Where can I write founded problems and issues in RC version?

Hi, two things:

During this weekend I’m on my Turris 1.0 in parrents house (Omnia alone is in Brno - but I’m using nightly OS). There is a problem after updater with Turris 1.0. I can’t reach Foris and LuCI after writing or and similar for LuCI. Is there problem only on my side or is there anybody with the same experience? I can command the router with PuTTY.

It’s question actually. I saw the new device detection functionality firstly like a week ago in the nightly build. Are you planning to add some page with this functionality to Foris? Because I actually think that it would be great to have some page in Foris with the information about connected devices - now you must visit LuCI.

Sorry, I will use the Czech language. The reason is because it’s about Turris 1.0, so not about “public” Omnia.

Turris 1.0: Broblém s Forisem a LuCI stále přetrvává. Nějak se mi něco zaktualizovalo (nevím přesně co) a po restartu nešla Wi-Fi. Tak jsem udělal factory reset. Router se aktualizoval na verzi Turris OS 3.6.5. Nastavil jsem, co jsem potřeboval a pak zase nahodil RC. Vše fungovalo - dostal jsem se do Forisu i LuCI. Jedinej problém byl, že ve Forisu nešlo změnit jazyk z angličtiny na cokoliv jiného - zafajfkoval jsem v updateru všechny jazyky a nic. Pak mi přišly emaily z Turrisu, že se něco bude updatovat a, že je třeba router restartovat, udělal jsem to a Foris ani LuCI nejdou, přikládám screenshot, od té doby obě rozhraní nejdou.


Hi qxstyles. Please stop posting in czech (no matter if you’re sorry about it or not). If you’re using english forums please stick to english (of course screenshot in czech is ok), otherwise you’re excluding lots of people from the loop. If you insinst on posting in czech please use czech forums. It’s really very annoying if you have czech sections in the threads and you don’t know actually where it starts what’s it about and so on. Even if it doesn’t concern me cause it’s omnia 1.0 it’s still an annoyance. If I could read it, I could just skip it, but if I can’t read it I can’t

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Hi there. Question, will the guest Wifi have DHCP, while normal WIFI can have or has fixed ip? thxs.

Best, Dikke.

Alright then. If you want to know so I have two problems with Turris 1.0. I can’t reach the LuCI and Foris and I can’t change the Foris language from english to another language. I understand your point.

Thank you very much for you understanding and posting it in english. I appreciate it

I’m convinced Turris 1.x was never available outside CZ (it’s not Omnia), so I personally don’t see why it would be of much interest outside CZ. Perhaps 3.7 RC should have a separate thread for Turris 1.x (in CZ)?


There is a link to thread about TurrisOS 3.7 in Czech.

As the 3.7 RC also updates syslog-ng to the latest version, I prepared a blog which lists some of the new features made available in this release which are useful for Turris users: https://www.balabit.com/blog/using-the-latest-syslog-ng-on-turris-omnia/


When 3.7 shall be in status “deploy” and available for everybody?


Don’t hurry :slight_smile:

Hi, we’ve found some bugs we want to sort out before the release and that’s why we are still in RC with 3.7. I hope that the last RC will be out tomorrow at the latest and will be deployed to everyone Monday.

hellol, Will the new os (3.7.1) be released to all turris omnia users who have auto updates enabled tomorrow(monday) ?

Hi, 3.7 is out today and we are working on 3.7.1 as mentioned.